
Asby Endowed School

School Day

A typical day at Asby Endowed School usually runs as follows:


8.55Morning registration
9.00Whole school phonics & spellings
9.30Session 1 - English/Mathematics
10.45Session 2 - English/Mathematics
11.45Whole school Guided Reading
12.05Collective Worship & Lunch break
1.05Afternoon registration & Personal Development 
1.30Session 3 & 4
3.20Read aloud storytime
3.30End of school day


In a typical week this amounts to 32 hours and 55 minutes per week.


In the morning, parents and carers are welcome to come onto the school grounds with their children. All are to come in through the front gate and children will enter the building using the back door. Children should not arrive in school before 8.45am, unless special arrangements have been made. The playground will be supervised from 8.45am.  


We ask parents and carers to inform the class teacher or Headteacher if someone unknown to staff is meeting the child from school. We do not allow children to leave school before the end of the day unless prior arrangements have been made. Teachers supervise the children at the end of the school day. Parents and carers are asked to collect their children from the playground at the rear of school where a teacher will wait until they have all been collected.   Pupils, parents and carers are to leave the school grounds promptly at 3.30pm once the school bus has departed, and pupils are not to use the playground equipment after school.  Another member of staff will escort the pupils to meet their school bus at the front of school.



Every child will bring home appropriate reading-age books which they are encouraged to share with you at home at least three times a week. The reading diary can be filled in together to provide a good link between home and school.


Homework will differ according to the age of the child. Children will be given spellings and times tables or Learn It facts.


In Year 6 children will have additional homework as part of their SATs preparation.
