
Asby Endowed School


At Asby Endowed School we have a compulsory school uniform. Within our guidelines there is plenty of choice to allow children to have a sense of individuality, whilst still showing that they are part of the school community.


Our school uniform comprises of a royal blue sweatshirt/hoodie (with optional school logo) and royal blue polo shirt (with optional school logo) with a grey or black skirt or trousers (grey or black shorts/blue gingham dress in warm weather), together with suitable footwear (black school shoes or walking/trainer style shoes).


The sweatshirt/hoodie and polo shirt with logo are available direct from Lakeland Embroidery, 4 Middlegate, Penrith.


When choosing any clothing for school please bear in mind the following points:

  • Clothing should be easy for the child to take off themselves;
  • Clothing should be easily recognised by the child (all items of school uniform and PE kit must be named);
  • It should have no inappropriate motifs / designs etc;
  • It should be easy to keep clean;
  • In the winter children should have indoor and outdoor footwear (wellingtons to be named).



Children will need PE/Games kit:

  • Trainers (plimsolls/pumps are not suitable for games activities);
  • T shirt and shorts/sweatshirt and jogging bottoms;
  • A bag to keep them in - a small rucksack/drawstring bag please as we are short of storage space.



We do not encourage children to wear jewellery for school. If a child wears earrings these must be removed for PE for health and safety reasons.


