
Asby Endowed School

Class Pages

'Pupils said that they enjoy coming to this school. They said that they form strong friendships. They also said that bullying does not happen but sometimes they fall out with one another and they are quick to sort things out. From observing teaching, learning and assessment, talking to pupils and looking in their books I could see that they work hard in lessons and make good progress across the curriculum. Pupils enjoy their learning. When talking to older pupils about their learning, they were very keen to share the grisly facts about mummification with me in detail. Pupils really enjoy the many sporting and arts-based opportunities that are offered by the school. For example, they spoke enthusiastically about their recent series of horse-riding lessons and the outdoor adventurous residential visit in the summer term. Pupils spoke about trips to the theatre and a trip to Manchester to participate in a mass choral event.'

Ofsted October 2018

There are two classes at Asby Endowed School.


Children in Early Years Foundation Stage and Years One and Two are in Class 1.


Children in Years Three, Four, Five and Six are in Class 2.


Children are taught individually, in groups, as a class and as a whole school. A range of teaching methods are used effectively to support and enhance the children’s learning.

