
Asby Endowed School


'The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils from the early years to Year 6, including those with SEND.   The school has high expectations for pupils’ achievement. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.'

Ofsted 7th June 2024

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

All our children are valued and individual differences are respected and enjoyed. Children progress at different rates and our curriculum reflects this, allowing children opportunities to stretch themselves and develop their strengths and achieve their full potential.


At our school we strive to ensure that the needs of all the children are met. Through observation, monitoring, assessment and liaison with colleagues and parents/carers, early identification of a child with special educational needs can be achieved.


The class teacher will provide an appropriate programme of work for the child who needs support. At a later stage it may become necessary to involve the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), who with the class teacher, would draw up an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for the child. In some circumstances other agencies may need to be involved. Parents/Carers are informed at all stages of the process.


We have a disabled access at the rear of the school and a disabled toilet. Parents of children who have disabilities should contact the school directly to discuss individual requirements.

Children that are 'More Able Learner' will be recognised and will have appropriate programmes of work provided for them.


School SENCo: Jack Davis


Click here for a copy of our SEN policy and Information Report


Click here for Westmorland and Furness Council Local Offer

