Mathematics gives confidence and competency with numbers and measures. It can be used to tackle a wide range of practical tasks and real life problems. We are keen to give the children an opportunity to see mathematics as a source of fun and to enable each child to achieve and enjoy the work they do.
The work we provide is carefully structured following New National Curriculum. We match the activities to each group and if appropriate to the individual child. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and other materials are used to support this. We give children a wide range of mathematical activities to facilitate knowledge, skills and understanding in the use of numbers, measures, shape, space and data handling.
We teach children to be confident in recording their work in numeracy in a variety of ways. Both practical and investigative work relating to ‘real life’ problems encourages children to apply their mathematical knowledge. Children work independently and co-operatively with others.
We also place an emphasis on mental maths to encourage quick recall of number facts, using Big Maths CLICs (Counting, Learn Its, It's Nothing New and Calculations).