'The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils from the early years to Year 6, including those with SEND. It has identified the essential knowledge that pupils should acquire and the vocabulary that they should learn in each subject area. Staff have undertaken appropriate training to implement the planned curriculum. They adapt learning effectively to cater for the differing needs of pupils in their mixed-age classes. The school has ensured that children in early years are taught an appropriate curriculum and benefit from well-resourced indoor and outdoor spaces.'
Ofsted 7th June 2024
'The school has a wide, broad and interesting range of activities in place for the children of the school.'
'There are clear of visible plans and actions related to mine
and other children at the school when they progress
to the next year of new school.'
Parent & Carers Questionnaire January 2024
Children are encouraged to attain their highest possible potential. We believe all children can learn and can experience success. We aim to provide a broad, balanced, rich and appropriately challenging curriculum and to keep you informed about this and your child’s progress. We follow National Curriculum. We regularly assess children in these areas using a range of teacher assessments and national tests.
Please use the links below for further details of the curriculum subjects that we teach at Asby Endowed School. If you would like to speak to someone for a more in-depth discussion on the content of the curriculum, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
All long term planning is subject to change as different learning opportunities may occur through the year. If there is a change in the long term planning, subject leaders ensure that all National Curriculum objectives are still taught, and further units of work adjusted to ensure this coverage.