Religious Education and Worldviews in our school is taught in line with the authority’s ‘Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’. Our approach is based broadly on Christian beliefs but there will be a focus also on Buddhism, Judaism in Key Stage 1 and Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity in Key Stage 2.
In our Religious Education and Worldviews we aim to foster tolerance and respect for people’s beliefs and an awareness of customs, stories, buildings and famous people associated with world religions. We encourage our children to have an open and enquiring mind and to ask questions to further develop their knowledge and understanding.
Parents may withdraw their child from sessions where there is a specific religious element. Suitable alternative arrangements can be made in consultation with parents.
Each day in school we have a collective worship. We link it to the traditions of the Christian faith. We observe the festivals and mark the events of the Christian calendar.
Our close links with the local churches mean that we regularly welcome visitors to take part in and lead our assemblies.
Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship. Suitable alternative arrangements can be made in consultation with parents.