
Asby Endowed School

Global Cohesion Project – Ankoma

Global Cohesion Project – Ankoma

This is an exciting long term project and all the children in our school are involved. Through working with Asha Richardson, who regularly visits Ankoma School, we have learned about daily life and the challenges faced for children living in Ghana. 


We, and the local community, host various fundraising events for the appeal, which have included a clothes collection, coffee morning and computer and book donations. We are looking forward to the next stages of this project, when we will work closely with Asha to support the children of Ankoma in becoming more self-sufficient and having access to clean water, clothing and sustainable food supplies.


In May 2023, 5 children from Ankoma visited Asby Endowed School.  Together we created wonderful pieces of felt art, played football and cricket, used the computers and learnt some French.  


We are looking forward to welcoming more students from Ankoma in the near future.




The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need to live and work as global citizens. The International School Award is a great chance for schools to demonstrate the important work they’re doing to bring the world into their classrooms.


Adding an international dimension to children’s education ensures that they are truly global citizens and helps prepare them for successful future careers in an increasingly global economy. Why is it so important to include internationalism in our curriculum? Well, at Asby Endowed School, we truly believe that by encouraging our children to embrace different cultures and practises, a sense of open-mindedness and deeper understanding will be developed.


By teaching our children about the lives of others in our ever-expanding world, not only will they be aware of ongoing global issues but will be inspired to find out about the world we live in and ultimately be more prepared to participate in our global society. Managed by the British Council, the International School Award (ISA) is a supportive and motivational framework that guides schools through their international work. 


The ISA is a recognition of a school’s work in preparing our children for the global society we live in. It is through the international aspect of their learning that the ISA aims to help children become excited and inspired about the ever-changing world and interested in current global issues.
