
Asby Endowed School

School Improvement 2023 - 2024

'Through your evaluation of the school’s effectiveness, you have identified many aspects where the school excels and where the school needs to develop further. For example, you recognise that pupils’ application of punctuation, grammar and spelling in their writing could be further improved to ensure that more pupils reach the highest standards. Although pupils have a developing knowledge of other faiths and cultures, they lack opportunities to develop first-hand experiences to deepen

their understanding further.'

Ofsted October 2018


As a school we are constantly reviewing all that we do and looking for further ways that we can improve.  We send questionnaires out to parents/carers and pupils to gather their views. We also look at statutory test data, in-school tracking data and actions achieved on targets set for that current academic year. With all the gathered information (our self evaluation) we then set targets for the following academic year and this forms the basis of our School Improvement Plan. 

Overview of Strengthens and Areas for Improvement

Self Evaluation Form (SEF)
